Refresh Your Home for the New Year

Refresh Your Home for the New Year

The new year is here, and this means cleaning out closets and refreshing your living room. One way to really make a stale living space feel new is to get the clutter out of your life and refresh your living spaces. Reorganizing your living spaces can make an old room feel like new. This could be just what you need to start off the new year! Before you can reorganize, you'll have to clean up a bit and make room for a new look. It can be difficult getting rid of stuff, but if you think of it as getting rid of the old year to make room for the new year, it will be easier!

Before You bring in Something New, Get Rid of Something Old

An issue that most of have is letting go of old versions of things. For example, if you buy a new bookshelf instead of getting rid of the old one, you put it in storage or try to put it someplace else. This is a big mistake! Most of the time, people place the new, nice stuff in their living rooms where they'll be seen, and the items that used to be new get placed in a closet, in a bin or in storage. You only have a limited amount of space, so it's best to just rid of old stuff that you really don't need anymore.

Display Things in Your Living Room Instead of Storing Them

Have you ever seen someone's living room and it just looks amazing? Everything is on display, but it's not cluttered, it's spacious, and it feels like a pro did it. Also, their closets and storage areas are barely full, they might even be close to empty! Well, that's because that person doesn't just pile things in their closet, they display them while storing them. What this means is carefully going through your house and seeing where you can place something instead of just throwing it in the closet. There's a lot of artistic freedom when using this method because it makes you think "where should I put this?" instead of just throwing it in a closet.

So take some time to go through your storage areas and see what you don't need any more and donate  it. It can be difficult, but you should work to let go of old stuff to clear out cluttered hallways, closets, and storage areas to refresh your space.

Reorganize Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is supposed to be a place of peace and comfort, but it's not so peaceful if it starts to get overcrowded with stuff. A good place to start in reorganizing would be to get everything out first. Yes, this is going to take some time and make a bit of a mess, but it's totally worth it.

After you clear everything out, start placing items back in one at a time. This lets you see if you really want something like an old dresser or desk back in your room or not. You might find another use for older items in your room or might want to donate it. Make sure you take the time to use every bit of free space that you can.

If you have a bedroom closet, especially a walk-in, this is a great time to reorganize it. You might be surprised by what you find while going through your closet. If you have storage bins in here, label them, and see if they can fit under your bed to clear up some space.

An empty wall in the bedroom is prime real estate for hanging up shelves, photos, accessories, or whatever you want. You can hang a shelf or two and place small accessories on them. This is a great way to take things out of your closet and put them to use.

Refresh Your Kitchen

The kitchen is most likely the place where you'll interact with family and friends the most. It's a social hub where you make great food, entertain guests, and just relax. Take some time to go through your cookery, like pots and pans, and find a different spot for them. Instead of placing them in a cabinet, try hanging them up for easy access and to give your kitchen a different look. If the pots and pans have outstayed their welcome, donate them.

This might also be a great time to look at your kitchen sink and see if it’s time to change it out. You might even find getting a brand-new sink to be just the thing to make your kitchen feel modern for the new year. Designing a new kitchen layout around a fireclay or copper sink can give your kitchen a post-modern or industrial look for 2022!

A new coat of paint with a new color scheme, like black and white, would pair very well with a new copper sink. This would also be a great time to unleash your inner artist and see what you can come up with. You can paint the walls black and the trim white to really make them pop. You can paint your cabinets black with white handles. It's all up to you. If you're interested and want to know more about a new sink, then click here to get started today!

Remember: Clear Space, Clear Head

After you have refreshed your space, use this time to reflect on the past year and refocus on goals for the coming year. Organization, minimizing stress and taking time to relax are all great things to focus on for the new year.

We're here to help you refresh your space! Contact Urban Ambiance today

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