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Posh Design Style Wall Lights

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Posh Design Style Wall Lights

Posh design style wall lights radiate opulence, reflecting an aesthetic of upscale luxury and meticulous craftsmanship. Typically crafted from premium materials such as polished metals, exquisite crystals, and fine glass, these fixtures often display intricate patterns, shimmering finishes, and ornate embellishments, all tailored to create an ambiance of exclusivity.

When mounted on walls in hallways, living spaces, or bedrooms, these lights not only cast a flattering illumination but also serve as ornamental art pieces. Their presence elevates the room's decor, adding layers of sophistication and grandeur, reminiscent of lavish hotels or aristocratic residences.

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UHP3863 Contemporary Wall Sconce 15.125''H x 5.375''W, Midnight Black Finish, Gambier Collection

Wall Sconce

$129.00 $167.99
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Staff Pick
UEX2205 Luxe Industrial Wall Sconce 11''H x 5''W, Matte Black & Satin Brass Finish, Bloomington Collection

Wall Sconce

$81.00 $108.99
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Staff Pick
UHP4055 Cosmopolitan Wall Sconce 12.625''H x 5''W, Satin Gold Finish, Tustin Collection

Wall Sconce

$81.00 $100.99
New Product
UHP4057 Cosmopolitan Wall Sconce 12.625''H x 5''W, Midnight Black Finish, Tustin Collection

Wall Sconce

$81.00 $100.99
New Product
UHP4056 Cosmopolitan Wall Sconce 12.625''H x 5''W, Polished Chrome Finish, Tustin Collection

Wall Sconce

$81.00 $100.99
New Product
UHP4054 Cosmopolitan Wall Sconce 12.625''H x 5''W, Brushed Nickel Finish, Tustin Collection

Wall Sconce

$81.00 $100.99
Sold Out
UQL3870 Posh Wall Sconce 9.5''H x 5''W, Polished Nickel Finish, Southhampton Collection

Wall Light
